This little island has a population of 125 and homes and cars are always kept unlocked. A visiting workman stole £60 from the house of an old soldier. This is the first crime of any kind since 2004, when several cars were stolen and driven around the Island before being dumped.
Th culprit of the burglary, a 38 year old man from Govan in Glasgow was fined £400 and ordered to pay compensation to the 75 year old victim.
Well, modern trends seem to catching up with even the romote of area's. From the reasearch I have completed writing this little article, I would like to visit this little Island, but keep my house locked at all times.

The dramatic cliffs of the western coast of Colonsay are home to enormous colonies of seabirds, notably fulmars, guillemots, razorbills, kittiwakes, shags and all types of gull. The beaches and rocky inlets support colonies of ringed plover, terns, oyster catchers and eiders amongst others.
See more pictures of the wild life on Colonsay HERE ..
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