I was at the school 1958 to 1963. This was after the labor government had banned grammar schools, but Greenway set up a grammar stream. I therefore started off in 1GR1. Only the grammar stream had to wear uniforms. As a result, the first 2 years were very tough because the local thugs were waiting for us after school and many a time I went home with mud all over my blazer, where I had been dragged on my back in the mud. My cap, which I hated, was stolen and on one occasion, a passing adult stopped them setting an angry dog on me. I used to have to catch the 6B bus near the shopping centre, so it was the walk of doom everyday. Hated Southmead and the scum living in it. Alan
sexual abuse was rampart in this school during the 1970s one teacher called DANDO music teacher called WORDLY and another R RODGRES took boys into looked class rooms at lunch times forcibly and raped them CHRISTEN WILLIAMS an art teacher had sex with boys as young as 11 regulry
Yes and why didnt i do something or report it Because at that school you had to keep your head down you were all scared if you would be next to be picked on and raped Im glad Jill Dando got shot because it was his relation and her brother Nigil deserves to suffer as well in his living hell thats Justice for those Greenway boys
I know nothing of the "Supposed" Rape allegations, but I can say I had the most unpleasant years of my life attending that school and the best thing the Authorities did was to close the place down. The Bullying, Thuggery and psychopathic staff was unbearable.
Same route that I took. Often Andy Wright would give a lift to the traffic lights. (Masters never did cos I upset him by making comments about his old MG)
Somewhere I’ve still got my blazer badge last worn fifty years ago! Keith
I was at the school 1958 to 1963. This was after the labor government had banned grammar schools, but Greenway set up a grammar stream. I therefore started off in 1GR1. Only the grammar stream had to wear uniforms. As a result, the first 2 years were very tough because the local thugs were waiting for us after school and many a time I went home with mud all over my blazer, where I had been dragged on my back in the mud. My cap, which I hated, was stolen and on one occasion, a passing adult stopped them setting an angry dog on me. I used to have to catch the 6B bus near the shopping centre, so it was the walk of doom everyday. Hated Southmead and the scum living in it.
I started in 1GR1 but in 1962. The playground fracas were something to see! I walked the other way down Falcondale road and caught the 145.
sexual abuse was rampart in this school during the 1970s one teacher called DANDO music teacher called WORDLY and another R RODGRES took boys into looked class rooms at lunch times forcibly and raped them CHRISTEN WILLIAMS an art teacher had sex with boys as young as 11 regulry
I wonder if anyone can remember mr senior,s trike?
Yes Dando was a dirty bastard he raped my best friend Richard Miles in the lunch brake
Yes and why didnt i do something or report it Because at that school you had to keep your head down you were all scared if you would be next to be picked on and raped Im glad Jill Dando got shot because it was his relation and her brother Nigil deserves to suffer as well in his living hell thats Justice for those Greenway boys
I know nothing of the "Supposed" Rape allegations, but I can say I had the most unpleasant years of my life attending that school and the best thing the Authorities did was to close the place down. The Bullying, Thuggery and psychopathic staff was unbearable.
yes dandos brother paid for it ,with the murder of his sister
Rodgers and gilmore (magot) were rapists of young boys at the school
Same route that I took. Often Andy Wright would give a lift to the traffic lights. (Masters never did cos I upset him by making comments about his old MG)
Police are on this now, these teachers will get a early morning knock on thre door shortly
all Rodgers will be remembered for is being a Sexual Abuser
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